Installation: FAQs
Why do customers need their own stop valves?
Stop valves isolate the supply to premises.
To help minimise waste stop valves should be labelled to indicate what parts of a plumbing system they control.
Stop valves should be installed on the supply pipe in a readily accessible location either inside or immediately outside the premises.
In the case of properties with multiple occupants, such as a block of flats, in addition to the customers own stop tap, a stop valve for maintenance or communal use should be installed.
When selecting a stop valve for use by owner/occupiers consideration should be given to ease and speed of operation, including the effect of sudden changes in supply pressure.

Please note: the illustrations above are examples of acceptable locations for stop valves. Whilst not shown other requirements apply, including but not limited to the installation of drain taps, servicing valves and backflow protection.
For further information contact the local water undertaker.
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