
Below is a random selection of some of our older news articles and press releases.

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Top tips to freeze out winter plumbing problems

Top tips to freeze out winter plumbing problems

11 Dec 2020

Top tips to freeze out winter plumbing problems WRAS and the Association of British Insurers lift the lid on the best way to prepare your home for winter and avoid plumbing problems Insurers paid out £2.2m a day to customers whose home has had a water leak in 2019 With winter infull swing, the weather outside might be frightful, so you should take steps toavoid any frightening,

Moving in for Christmas

Moving in for Christmas

12 Nov 2021

Water Regs UK is reminding house buyers to check plumbing systems and water supplies in the rush to move into their new home before the end of the year. Experts are reporting that the process of buying a home is taking as long as 16 weeks to complete in the current property market*. With many potential house buyers still hoping to move in before Christmas, Water Regs UK is urging people not to

Annual Report 2014/15 published

05 Nov 2015

WRAS has recently published our annual report covering the financial year 2014/2015. Key sections included and issues covered include: General information about WRAS Governance and financial performance Business plan update Subscribers' survey (satisfaction) Approved Product and Materials updates WaterSafe and WIAPS updates Summary of Water Fittings Regulation promotion Summary of how

Plumbers call for more support on managing customer services

Plumbers call for more support on managing customer services

31 Mar 2020

• 50 per cent of plumbers believe their training should incorporate more guidance on customer services • 45 per cent believe their training should incorporate guidance on handling and avoiding customer complaints • WRAS urges plumbers to read WaterSafe’s advice and guidance on reducing customer issues New research released today reveals that plumbers believe their current training courses

Breaking news: voluntary interim agreement

19 Dec 2019

Defra has announced it is content with a voluntary interim agreement, proposed by the BMA and water companies, regarding the backflow protection arrangements in newly installed WCs. The agreement comes into force on 1st January 2020 for a period of six months ( click to view )

WATCH: An exclusive look at how a water fitting is tested to become an 'Approved Product'

WATCH: An exclusive look at how a water fitting is tested to become an 'Approved Product'

10 Jul 2019

Waterfittings, such as taps, pipes and showers, must be of an appropriate quality and standard to comply with UK water fittings regulations and byelaws, and prevent water from being contaminated – and a WRAS Approval is one way of demonstrating that a water fitting complies with this requirement. To give an insight into how water fittings are tested , The Water Regulations Advisory Scheme

Devon plumbers top list of most complained about plumbers in the country

10 Jan 2023

FOI request shows the councils that receive the most complaints about faulty or inadequate plumbing installations and the tradesmen that fit them. The South West region dominates the list with Devon, Wiltshire, and Dorset County councils all reporting high numbers of complaints about plumbing tradesmen. Consumers are urged to use qualified and approved plumbers when getting work done in their

Winter 2019 Newsletter

Winter 2019 Newsletter

20 Dec 2019

Welcome to the Winter 2019 newsletter. To sign up to future editions of the newsletter enrol by using the subscriber form If you have ideas for or would like to contribute to a future edition of the newsletter, please let us know by emailing – . Publications Backflow prevention guidance: coastal & inland waterways more Installer News Spot the

Brits underestimate their household water usage by more than half

Brits underestimate their household water usage by more than half

29 Apr 2019

One in four admit they have no idea how much water they use at home More than half of UK homes have a water meter installed WRAS is promoting water efficiency this Water Saving Week (29 April – 3 May) A quarter of Brits (24%)admit they have no idea how much water they use, according to a new study. The average UK household uses 350 litres per day, but people estimate their

RPZ AIM version 2 January 2020

08 Jan 2020

The RPZ AIM 08-01 has been updated, Issue 2 was published on 8 January 2020 (link to AIM version 2). There will be a 12-month transition period, running until 7 January 2021, after which Issue 1 will no longer be recognised.


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