Backflow Protection: FAQs
What is a fluid category?
Schedule 1 of the water fittings regulations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, byelaws in Scotland, classify the health risk posed by potential contaminants using a scale called fluid categories.
There are five fluid categories in total the lowest being 1 no risk the highest 5 a serious health hazard.

Wholesome (drinking) water supplied by the undertaker
water direct from a water undertaker’s main
Wholesome (drinking) water which has been changed either heated or altered in taste, odour or appearance
Hot water
Fluids posing a slight health hazard
low toxicity chemicals such as common disinfectants
Fluids posing a significant health hazard.
Toxic substances such as pesticides and environmental organisms
Fluids posing a serious health hazard
Pathogenic organisms, radioactive or very toxic substances such as faecal matter
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