Backflow Protection : FAQs
What backflow protection is required for alternative water sources?
Where mains water and other water sources, such as rainwater, recycled water, river water and borehole supplies, combine it is essential to notify the relevant water undertaker to ensure adequate backflow protection arrangements are installed.
Alternative water supplies should never be directly connected to the mains drinking water. The only legal and safe way to combine mains and another source of water is to use an arrangement called a break tank which enables separation of supplies. Typically, this is done using a Type AA (as shown below) or Type AB air gap the key features being:
An unrestricted or weir spill over
The pipework supplying the mains water must be external to the tank
The mains water feed must discharge at a higher level than and maintain a minimum clearance (twice the internal diameter (2D) of the supply pipework or 20 mm whichever is the greater) from those supplying water from other sources
The water in the tank should not come into contact with the mains water inlet for example as a result of splashing.
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